Monday 26 August 2013

Love in you is losin my soul
I was in the lost battle 
death at my door
A dog in the backyard
Feels for my pain
Beau in broken bottle 
Beating rain

O my beloved, come..
I'll tell you the talks of my heart,
removing the veil from my face,
I'll kiss your forehead..
Listen to my heart's talk..
My heart has become mad..
Just you alone are there (for it),
It wishes for you only..

Spilling tear by tear as I am,
I'll get peace by dying..
I regret after ditching you..
Don't waste your faithfulness on me,
Now, O beloved, cheat me..

Our relationship was a mistake,
You finished it in a moment like dirt..
Now there is just me, memories, and sadness
Now I'll bear the sadness all my life..

The heart is filled with your pain,
The wound of your name is still fresh,
Everything has ended but something still remains..
I'm slowly getting cut, O my beloved..
You too drop a few tears..

When the heart broke everything burnt down,
Suddenly that weather full of joys changed..
All the dreams streamed down the eyes..
Only the old stories were left to recall..